Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Ingredient Card Directions

Creating our ingredient Cards:

1. Find an ingredient in food that is unfamiliar to you. You can use food products from our game "Comes From/Made of" AKA "Family Food," AKA "The Hunger Game." Go to the KMS shared server for the ingredients lists. smb://kng.portlandschools.org Drag the file "Where does food come from.pdf to your computer. Remember the norms and expectations of using a shared server.

2. When you have found your ingredient, research it at the website Be Food Smart

3. Find these three things:

a. Description of the ingredient
b. What foods it is found in
c. Basic health affects

4. Create a "post card" using pages. When you open a new document in pages, you can choose the Event Post Card template.

The post card should include:

 - The three items you researched
a. Description of the ingredient
b. What foods it is found in 
c. Basic health affects

You can just copy and paste the information from befoodsmart.com Just make sure you indicate your source.

...as well as...

- A title (Name of ingredient)
- A picture or graphic related to the ingredient
- The source of your information, for example...
Source: http://www.befoodsmart.com

Remember your work on your "Rules to Live by" posters and your knowledge of graphic design when you think about the layout, colors, etc.

Here is an exemplar. Notice the use of colors and shadows for text boxes used to make the card visually appealing.

Exceeds option 1 (Perseverance): Make an additional ingredient card. You can choose another ingredient from a food of your choice or from one of the "most viewed" ingredients list on  befoodsmart.com on the left side of the home page.

Exceeds option 2 (Responsibility/Respect): Serve as a mentor to one who may need help with their ingredient card. Perhaps you want to help someone who was not here last year and didn't make a Rules to Live By poster, so they do not have the expertise in graphic design using pages that you may have.

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